Sunday, August 31, 2014

How to Contact Me:

Email is definitely the best method!  My email address is

Agendas:  I check agendas first thing when the students arrive so feel free to jot a note to me in there anytime and I will see it by 9:00 every morning!

Phone:  the number at school is (508) 839-0757

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Monday:  Computers
Tuesday:  Music
Wednesday:  Library
Thursday:  Art
Friday:  P.E.

All of our specials are 2:00!

Important Dates

Important Dates


Rock Detectives Program this Friday afternoon

Octoberfest at South Grafton Elementary this Saturday from 10 until 3

Halloween Update:  Crazy Hat Day will take place as we have in years past... also, we are no longer allowed to have parents send in any food for parties for our classes.  So we are going to ask that if you want to, send in a special Halloween holiday snack for your child.  This is optional of course!  Our room moms are organizing a Halloween craft for the kids to make on that day!

Supply List

Welcome to fourth grade!  
Parents/guardians often ask us “What should my child bring to school on the first day?”  We hope you will find this information useful.

District/School Provided Supplies

The District/School provides the following supplies to support classroom instruction as needed:
Construction Paper
Agenda books

What Students can bring on the first day?

Our teachers recommend the following if possible.  If this is a hardship in any way please contact the building principal.
Glue sticks (2-3 every trimester)
 Pens (black or blue)
2 One subject spiral notebooks
5 Folders with two pockets (Different colors, if possible: red, yellow, blue, purple, green)
Personal markers, crayons or colored pencils

Additional Options:
1 Pencil box (small to fit in desk)
Hand-held pencil sharpener
Mini stapler with extra staples

What supplies can be donated to the classroom?
Families often ask what additional supplies a classroom might need.   In the spirit of Responsive Classroom, we ask that any of the following supplies be donated to the classroom community for use by all students.  Students do not keep supplies, other than their own pencil box, in their desks. We ask that you not add student names to these classroom supplies.

Washable markers-thin or thick 
Sticky Notes
Zipper bags (snack/quart/gallon)
Dry-ease marker                        
Hand sanitizer/ Hand soap
Baby wipes/Wet-Ones  
Colored pencils

Thank you!  We appreciate all you do to support our classroom communities!

Fourth Grade Teachers

Homework in Fourth Grade

Homework Routines and Expectations

MATH -Assigned DAILY -Monday-Thursday and is due on the next day.

READING -All students are required to read for approximately 20 minutes, 4 nights per week.  A reading log will be sent home on Mondays and must be turned in on Fridays.  

WORD STUDY - The words (based on Greek and Latin roots) will be introduced on Monday and "Word Work" activities will be completed in class during the week.  The students will be tested on the MEANING of the words at the end of the week.  Word Study will ALL be completed in school. 

WRITING -Creative writing assignments will be given approximately once per month.

SCIENCE and SOCIAL STUDIES - The students will be given tests in both of these subjects at the end of a unit (approximately every 6 weeks).  Study guides will be sent home prior to the tests and students will be given one week to study/prepare for the test at home.

AGENDAS -The students will fill out their agendas Monday-Friday in school.  A parent signature (or initials) are required Monday-Thursday nights.  The agendas are a wonderful learning tool, which help students become responsible for their homework and time management. 

About Mrs. Laverty

Hello Students and Parents!  Welcome to Room 47.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn, explore, and create with you during this school year.  I have taught fourth grade for 15 years and have truly enjoyed every minute of the journey.  My philosophy of teaching is based on the fact that children learn best when they are actively engaged in their learning.  I take great pride in offering a fun yet informative classroom environment where all students have the ability to contribute and thrive.

I am excited to be teaming with Mrs. Michalowski this year!  She will be teaching Science for our switch class.

  I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year with all of you!