Supply List

Grade 4 Supply List

Dear Parents/Guardians of Students entering fourth Grade,

Welcome to fourth grade!  
Parents/guardians often ask us “What should my child bring to school on the first day?”  We hope you will find this information useful.

District/School Provided Supplies

The District/School provides the following supplies to support classroom instruction as needed:
Construction Paper
Agenda books

What Students can bring on the first day?

Our teachers recommend the following if possible.  If this is a hardship in any way please contact the building principal.
  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks (2-3 every trimester)
  •  Pens (black or blue)
  • Highlighters
  • 3 One subject spiral notebooks
  • 5 Folders with two pockets (Different colors, if possible: red, yellow, blue, purple, green)
  • Personal markers, crayons or colored pencils

Additional Options:
1 Pencil box (small to fit in desk)
Hand-held pencil sharpener
Mini stapler with extra staples

What supplies can be donated to the classroom?
Families often ask what additional supplies a classroom might need.   In the spirit of Responsive Classroom, we ask that any of the following supplies be donated to the classroom community for use by all students.  Students do not keep supplies, other than their own pencil box, in their desks. We ask that you not add student names to these classroom supplies.

Washable markers-thin or thick 
Sticky Notes
Zipper bags (snack/quart/gallon)
Dry-ease marker                        
Hand sanitizer/ Hand soap
Baby wipes/Wet-Ones  
Colored pencils

Thank you!  We appreciate all you do to support our classroom communities!

Fourth Grade Teachers

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