Homework Overview

Homework Routines and Expectations

MATH -Assigned DAILY -Monday-Thursday and is due on the next day.

READING -All students are required to read for approximately 20 minutes, 4 nights per week.  

WORD STUDY - The words (based on Greek and Latin roots) will be introduced on Monday and "Word Work" activities will be completed in class during the week.  The students will be tested on the MEANING of the words at the end of the week.  Word Study will ALL be completed in school. 

WRITING -Creative writing assignments will be given approximately once per month.

SCIENCE and SOCIAL STUDIES - The students will be given tests in both of these subjects at the end of a unit (approximately every 6 weeks).  Study guides will be sent home prior to the tests and students will be given one week to study/prepare for the test at home.

AGENDAS -The students will fill out their agendas Monday-Friday in school.  A parent signature (or initials) are required Monday-Thursday nights.  The agendas are a wonderful learning tool, which help students become responsible for their homework and time management.  


Anonymous said...

Juliana Errara went on a math game for 20 min.

Marylou Jacobson

Anonymous said...

I had to get a new kindle, so when I put in Mrs.Laverty's email, it didn't work... I can't read on my "new" kindle anymore. =/
