Thursday, March 26, 2015

A copy of the letter that was sent home today....

Dear Parents,

Next week your child will began taking the ELA MCAS 


April 2nd –Long Composition

April 6th –ELA Session 1

April 7th –ELA Session 2

We would like to inspire, calm, and motivate your child 

just before the test by giving them an unopened note 

from you with words of encouragement.  We are asking 

all families to write their child a note, card, or letter to be 

opened in class on the morning of the test.  After all, 

what a great way to start an MCAS day with encouraging 

words from those who love them most!

Please use this or any envelope to place your positive, 

personalized message in, seal it, then send it in to 

school. I will hold all sealed envelopes and pass them 

out on Thursday, April 2nd, just before we start the test. 

Please return a sealed envelope with your child's name 

on it on or before Wednesday, April 1st. 

Thank you!

The Fourth Grade Team 

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