Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Midwest Test is coming up!

Study Guides were sent home today for our SS test on the Midwest which will be next Thursday, March 5th....

Please spend a little time each night helping your child study to ensure their success on this test.  It is the last one they will have before the next report card.

Nonfiction Book Report Homework for tonight 2/24/15 (which by the way is the 100th Day of School - finally!!)

Time to post a question to go with your book report.  
In the comment section below, ask a question, which can be answered by the class after you present your report and project next week.  Be thoughtful about what you ask -reread your report to find an interesting fact.  We will answer the questions as a whole group once all the reports have been presented.

Your name (if you don't have a Google account - otherwise it comes up as Anonymous!)
Your topic
Your question

Don't forget: three things are due on Monday:  your facts, your report, and your project (either a model or poster)
Please see me ASAP if you have lost your packet with the directions to ensure that you complete it all correctly!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This week's Spelling homework...

Students have been reading nonfiction articles and completing graphic organizers with their opinions and reasons on the topic as an introduction to our next writing genre: PERSUASIVE (OPINION) WRITING.
Instead of a spelling packet this week, they will be completing a graphic organizer and writing a rough draft of a persuasive piece  based on the following writing prompt:
Write an opinion paper stating whether or not you think homework helps students learn.  Defend your opinion with reasons and evidence.  Make sure you include a conclusion that summarizes how you feel about homework.
We will be revising and editing rough drafts in class on Friday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A few things....

Let it snow! Let it snow!  Let it snow!
Being that there is another possible storm headed our way Thursday into Friday, I have decided to have students exchange their valentines a day early...just in case!  So all students who have valentines to hand out should bring them in on Thursday as opposed to Friday!  Sorry if this is an inconvenience in any way...
Nonfiction Book Report:
Please make sure that your child is reading his or her book.
Facts, the report, and the project are due on March 2nd.
Field Trips:
We have booked two fun field trips for the end of the year!
The IMAX to see Born to Be Wild on May 15th.
Below is the link to the trailer for the movie:
Our trip to the Boston Aquarium will be on June 8th... this MAY end up being an extended day, but I will keep you posted once a decision is made for sure.
 Yearbooks: The deadline for yearbook orders has been extended to this Friday.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Box Tops!!

Our class is in first place as of right now!  The students will be very excited to earn that extra recess!  So just a reminder that the deadline for this contest with the box tops is Thursday, February 12th.  If you have any lingering at home, we would greatly appreciate it if you could send them in before then.
Thanks in advance!