Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Upcoming Events and Info...

It certainly was a hot one today!  Please send your child in with a bottle of water on these toasty days that they can refill throughout the day as it gets incredibly steamy upstairs!

We will be working on our floats again next Friday at noon if anyone is interested in helping out!  (P.S. We need glue gun sticks!)

Field Trip to the Aquarium is on June 8th - permission slips were sent home today!

Field Day is June 16th with a rain date of June 18th.

Fourth Grade State Fair is on June 19th.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Change of date for the float project..

We are going to have to change the date for making the floats to Tuesday of next week....
The jump rope guy is coming this Friday and we have two times to go see him so there's no way we can make it work!  So if you are interested in helping out, we will be starting at noon on TUESDAY instead of Friday!
Sorry about that!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Help Wanted!

On Friday of this week our class is going to start creating our floats for the Fourth Grade State Fair around noon...
We would love some volunteers to come in and help us!
Let me know if you are interested...

And we also would like to borrow some glue guns - please comment below if you have one that we could use!
Thanks so much!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Famous Immigrant "Bobble Head" Bottles

Ally - Felix Frankfurter
Laura-John Paul Jones
Andrew M- Albert Einstein
Sreeraj -John Paul Jones
Patrick -John Paul jones
Jane- Mary Pickford
Trent-Albert Einstein
Kahlyi- Joseph Pulitzer
Shane-Albert Einstein
Alina - Mary Pickford
Andrew K- Albert Einstein
Bryce-Albert Einstein
Thomas-Albert Einstein
Hafi- Albert Einstein
Juliana - Felix Frankfurter
Molly - Annie Moore
Olivia- Joseph Pulitzer
Colin-Albert Einstein
Maggie-Annie Moore
Kathryn- Samuel Goldwyn
Marissa-Felix Frankfurter
Hailey-Hakeem Olajuwon
Gina- Martina Navratilova
Rhea - Martina Navratilova

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


The students have been working on researching and writing a report on a famous immigrant. We will be making the project to go with the report on Friday and we will DEFINITELY need some help!  If you are free and are willing to come in, that would be great!  Please comment down below if you plan on helping out so that I will know how many volunteers we have.  Thanks in advance!
Here is a link to show an example of the type of project we are making:

And the kids each night one large soda bottle to make their person... I told them this today...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Some reminders:

Please see below for the previous post about our state float project...we are still in need of supplies!  Thanks in advance!

Math MCAS dates are Tuesday, May 12th 
and Wednesday, May 13th.

Field trip to the IMAX and Hopkington State Park on Friday, May 15th.  Students need to bring a BAG LUNCH that can be thrown away.  They are also allowed to bring footballs, frisbees, etc. (as long as they check with me first) because there is a huge field there that they can play on after they eat.  Please return field trip permission slips and the $10.00 as soon as possible.  If there is a financial hardship, the PTO provides scholarships.
Chaperones were chosen on a first come, first serve basis.  I received three today and put names in a hat...
Mrs. Branda and Mrs. Oetsen will be joining us on the trip.  There will be many more volunteer options coming up soon...

June dates:
Field trip to the Boston Aquarium - June 8th
Field Day - June 16th (rain date is the 18th)
Last day of school - June 26th (half day for students)