Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays!

Many thanks to all of you for your donations of items and your time to make our holiday party a great success today!  Special thanks to Mrs. Branda for coordinating this!

Also, thank you so much for all of your generous gifts!  I so appreciate you thinking of me this holiday season!

Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday from mine!

I hope you all have a wonderful winter break and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Area Model Division Video

Tomorrow we will be starting the Area Model Division Strategy in class.
The attached video clip will help both parents and students to understand how it works.  I thought watching it in advance would be helpful - it is only necessary to watch until the 6 minute 20 second mark.
Please take the time to view the video and then post a comment or question below...

Friday, December 5, 2014

Pajama Day!

Thank you again to everyone who donated!  Our school collected 412 pairs of pajamas for those in need! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A few updates:

Our Holiday Party will be on Monday, December 22nd - time is TBD!  We will be doing project stations around the room (volunteers needed) and the kids will be creating a few crafts and gifts for parents (who are of course welcome to come as long as you promise not to look!)   Once we have finalized the projects, time, and donation list for the crafts, I will send out an update!  Please remember that per the new wellness plan, no food or drinks can be sent in for the class.
Report Cards for Trimester 1 will be coming home tomorrow.  Please sign and return the envelope as soon as possible so I know that you received it.  And of course, as always, feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions regarding your child's report card!
PJ Drive ends tomorrow - we are now up to 5 pairs!  Thank you to all who donated!  Don't forget that the students can wear their PJs tomorrow if they would like to!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Beginning this week, students will have weekly tests on 4th grade spelling words

(high frequency words that students are expected to spell correctly). 

On Monday a list will be sent home with
15 words, which follow a specific spelling pattern/rule.  There are also 6 academic vocabulary words.  The students will be responsible for knowing the correct spelling of the15 words and the 6 vocabulary words will count as bonus words.   

During the week students should
complete three activities from the
“Spelling Tic Tac Know” chart. 
Activities should be initialed by a parent
to ensure they are being completed. 
The Tic Tac Know board (and written activities) should be turned in on Friday. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Pajama Drive/Day

The Pajama Drive at our school ends this Friday... to bring the drive to an fun ending, all students will be able to wear their favorite pair of pajamas to school on Friday!  We are also having them bring their favorite book (or one that they are currently reading) as well as a favorite board game (no electronics).
So far our class has collected only one pair of pajamas for the drive.... any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Congratulations Room 47!
We have filled our Marble Jar and the students have voted to watch the movie, Maleficent as their reward on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break! 
 Please let me know if you would prefer for your child NOT to see this movie - thank you!
They are also allowed to bring a sleeping bag/blanket, pillow, and small stuffed animal if they would like to.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Raz-Kids is up and running!   It's easy...just use the Raz-Kids link, find your name, and start reading!  You can also access the program from any tablet, phone, etc.  The password for ALL users is ljennifere.  Please let me know if you complete a level and I will be sure to update it right away!
 Happy Reading!

Thanksgiving Story Homework

Students will be writing a Thanksgiving Story for homework this week. It is due on Monday, November 24th, however it can certainly be turned in earlier than that if it is done.
The story can be realistic or fantasy.
It should be at least two paragraphs with a minimum of 10 sentences in each.
The story should have a clear beginning, middle, end.
Final drafts can be hand written or typed.
A colored illustration or craft must be turned in to accompany the story.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, November 7, 2014

A note from our student council members:

We attended our first student council meeting today.  We would like to share some of the information we learned. 

1.  We're going to have a suggestion box in our classroom for our classmates to share their ideas with us.

2.  Pajama Drive
Who: Students and staff At Millbury Street Elementary School.
What: Collect new pajamas and books for children in need.
Where: Individual homeroom.
When: November 7th - December 5th.
If we succeed,   we will have our own pajama day on December 5th.
Help Kids with no PAJAMAS!!!!!!!
Check out the link below for details about this wonderful program!

From, Colin, Alina, and Molly

Friday, October 17, 2014

Student Council Update...

Congrats to Colin!  He ran in the school wide election and is our new school secretary!  Whoo hoo!

That makes Molly our new classroom rep!  Congrats Molly!

And that makes Alina our new alternate!  Congrats Alina!

Have a great weekend everyone!  :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


TIME FOR KIDS notices are going home with students today...this is a weekly news magazine that helps develops literacy and comprehension skills.  The whole fourth grade uses this valuable resource in the classrooms.

The cost is $4.46 as stated in the notice.  Checks are preferable over cash if possible.

Thanks for your cooperation with this!  :)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Weekly Math Quizzes

Wednesday Weekly Multiplication Quizzes will begin next week.  The class voted on which day of the week they preferred to have the quizzes and the majority picked Wednesday! The quizzes will consist of 100 facts up to 12x12.  Students will be given 5 minutes to finish as many as they can.  At the bottom of this letter are links to flash cards and websites your child can use to study.  Students will keep track of their progress throughout the trimester.  A few minutes of practice each day will help strengthen your child’s fact fluency.

The Fourth Grade Team

What is Fact Fluency?

The Grafton Public School District defines math fact fluency as the ability to recall from memory basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts automatically, effortlessly, and accurately.  Students who are mathematically fluent are able to quickly and successfully learn and understand higher-order concepts.  When facts are automatic, students are not slowed down by having to put energy into figuring out the fact and can instead put that energy into the other skills involved in learning math concepts.

Expectations for Fact Fluency

Practice is necessary to develop fluency with math facts.  This is a skill that students practice during school, but research shows that additional practice outside of the school day is essential in supporting students to meet this goal.  Teachers measure fact fluency throughout the school year by requiring that students recall the solution to each math fact within 3 seconds.

  • Kindergarten: Add and Subtract within 5 (combinations to 5; differences of 5 and below)
  • Grade 1: Add and Subtract within 10 (combinations to 10; differences of 10 and below)
  • Grade 2: Add and Subtract within 20 (combinations to 20; differences of 20 and below)
  • Grade 3: Multiply within 100 (0 to 10 times tables)
  • Grade 4: Multiply and Divide within 144 (0 to 12 times tables)
  • Grade 5: Multiply and Divide within 144 (0 to 12 times tables)
  • Grade 6: Multiply and Divide within 169 (0 to 13 times tables)

Note: The standards listed above are what students learn during the academic year; students should work towards mastering the facts for the grade level they just completed.  With each subsequent grade level, the expectation still includes the previous grades’ facts.

Resources for Practice

Try practicing with traditional flash cards, reciting facts aloud, writing them out, playing computer games, homemade games, and more to develop fact fluency!  The following are some online resources that teachers have recommended.  

Download and Print Flash Cards:

OnLine Fact Practice:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Learning Links:

Sunday, August 31, 2014

How to Contact Me:

Email is definitely the best method!  My email address is

Agendas:  I check agendas first thing when the students arrive so feel free to jot a note to me in there anytime and I will see it by 9:00 every morning!

Phone:  the number at school is (508) 839-0757

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Monday:  Computers
Tuesday:  Music
Wednesday:  Library
Thursday:  Art
Friday:  P.E.

All of our specials are 2:00!

Important Dates

Important Dates


Rock Detectives Program this Friday afternoon

Octoberfest at South Grafton Elementary this Saturday from 10 until 3

Halloween Update:  Crazy Hat Day will take place as we have in years past... also, we are no longer allowed to have parents send in any food for parties for our classes.  So we are going to ask that if you want to, send in a special Halloween holiday snack for your child.  This is optional of course!  Our room moms are organizing a Halloween craft for the kids to make on that day!

Supply List

Welcome to fourth grade!  
Parents/guardians often ask us “What should my child bring to school on the first day?”  We hope you will find this information useful.

District/School Provided Supplies

The District/School provides the following supplies to support classroom instruction as needed:
Construction Paper
Agenda books

What Students can bring on the first day?

Our teachers recommend the following if possible.  If this is a hardship in any way please contact the building principal.
Glue sticks (2-3 every trimester)
 Pens (black or blue)
2 One subject spiral notebooks
5 Folders with two pockets (Different colors, if possible: red, yellow, blue, purple, green)
Personal markers, crayons or colored pencils

Additional Options:
1 Pencil box (small to fit in desk)
Hand-held pencil sharpener
Mini stapler with extra staples

What supplies can be donated to the classroom?
Families often ask what additional supplies a classroom might need.   In the spirit of Responsive Classroom, we ask that any of the following supplies be donated to the classroom community for use by all students.  Students do not keep supplies, other than their own pencil box, in their desks. We ask that you not add student names to these classroom supplies.

Washable markers-thin or thick 
Sticky Notes
Zipper bags (snack/quart/gallon)
Dry-ease marker                        
Hand sanitizer/ Hand soap
Baby wipes/Wet-Ones  
Colored pencils

Thank you!  We appreciate all you do to support our classroom communities!

Fourth Grade Teachers

Homework in Fourth Grade

Homework Routines and Expectations

MATH -Assigned DAILY -Monday-Thursday and is due on the next day.

READING -All students are required to read for approximately 20 minutes, 4 nights per week.  A reading log will be sent home on Mondays and must be turned in on Fridays.  

WORD STUDY - The words (based on Greek and Latin roots) will be introduced on Monday and "Word Work" activities will be completed in class during the week.  The students will be tested on the MEANING of the words at the end of the week.  Word Study will ALL be completed in school. 

WRITING -Creative writing assignments will be given approximately once per month.

SCIENCE and SOCIAL STUDIES - The students will be given tests in both of these subjects at the end of a unit (approximately every 6 weeks).  Study guides will be sent home prior to the tests and students will be given one week to study/prepare for the test at home.

AGENDAS -The students will fill out their agendas Monday-Friday in school.  A parent signature (or initials) are required Monday-Thursday nights.  The agendas are a wonderful learning tool, which help students become responsible for their homework and time management. 

About Mrs. Laverty

Hello Students and Parents!  Welcome to Room 47.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn, explore, and create with you during this school year.  I have taught fourth grade for 15 years and have truly enjoyed every minute of the journey.  My philosophy of teaching is based on the fact that children learn best when they are actively engaged in their learning.  I take great pride in offering a fun yet informative classroom environment where all students have the ability to contribute and thrive.

I am excited to be teaming with Mrs. Michalowski this year!  She will be teaching Science for our switch class.

  I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year with all of you!