Thursday, December 4, 2014

A few updates:

Our Holiday Party will be on Monday, December 22nd - time is TBD!  We will be doing project stations around the room (volunteers needed) and the kids will be creating a few crafts and gifts for parents (who are of course welcome to come as long as you promise not to look!)   Once we have finalized the projects, time, and donation list for the crafts, I will send out an update!  Please remember that per the new wellness plan, no food or drinks can be sent in for the class.
Report Cards for Trimester 1 will be coming home tomorrow.  Please sign and return the envelope as soon as possible so I know that you received it.  And of course, as always, feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions regarding your child's report card!
PJ Drive ends tomorrow - we are now up to 5 pairs!  Thank you to all who donated!  Don't forget that the students can wear their PJs tomorrow if they would like to!

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