Monday, May 7, 2018

Some upcoming dates to keep in mind...

State Fair will be held in June - so just a reminder that each child (they know about this!) will need a shoebox.  So if you plan to buy spring shoes, please save the box for this project.  The boxes can be sent in anytime!  We also use wrapping paper to cover the boxes so if anyone would be willing to donate some to our class it would be greatly appreciated!  :) 

Fun Run Week 5/21 - 5/25

No school 5/28 - Memorial Day

Field Trip to the IMAX and Hopkington State Park on Thursday 5/31
More details to come soon....

Field Day 6/7 - rain date 6/8

Evening Spring Concert Thursday 6/7 

Fourth Grade State Fair 6/15
Last day of school - Friday 6/22