Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Holiday Craft and Sing-a-long!!

Some pics from our holiday party/craft and today's all school sing-a-long!
Many thanks to Mrs. Clark (Mark's mom) for coordinating our adorable tea light ornament craft and to all of our parent volunteers who came in to help out! 
Thank you so much for all of the thoughtful and generous gifts! I so appreciate you thinking of me during this time of year and wish you all the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year to come!  All the best from my family to yours!!
Jen, Caelan, Riley, and Cindy

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Thank you everyone!  Our class donated 17 pairs of pajamas to this great cause!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Partial Quotients Division

Hi Parents!
Today in class we began our unit on long division.  Our first method/strategy that we are using is called PARTIAL QUOTIENTS.  I know that it may seem confusing at first - it's definitely not the way WE learned it back in the day - but it is one that we are required to teach the students and one that they are required to do.  After all methods are taught, students will then have the opportunity to choose the one that works best for them.
I am sending home a sheet explaining how to solve the problems on tonight's homework using this strategy.  The class did very well on this today when we worked on it during Math class.  I THINK tonight's homework should go smoothly based on the amount of time spent on this in class as well as the directions and completed examples that students are being provided with.
Please email me with any issues or questions!
Thank you!

Happy December!

Just a few reminders:
The Pajama Drive comes to a close this Thursday!  Thank you to all families who have donated!
Pajama Day is also this Thursday.  It is optional and no slippers are allowed.
Parent Conference Night is Thursday.
Parent Conference Day is Friday - no school for students.
Please return signed report card envelopes if they haven't been turned in already - thank you!
Half day for students on December 15th.
Myth Masters Program on December 18th.
 Our last day of school before the holiday break is December 23rd.

Christmas Penguin Clip Art Clipart

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November/December Happenings...

We are collecting cans!!  We are going to use these to help collect spare change for our Sweetpea cause!  Being that the holiday is coming, if you could save any cans that we could use and decorate. we would greatly appreciate it!  Soup cans, corn cans,  pasta sauce cans, etc.!!
Thanksgiving Break:  Wednesday 11/25 - Friday 11/27
Northeast Test Thursday, December 3rd - This is the first region test of the year so please work with your child to help them review and study the information that was sent home.  A little bit of time spent studying each night will ensure success on the test!
End of the first trimester is upon us!  Report Cards go home on Friday, December 4th.
Pajama Drive ends on Thursday, December 10th.
Students are encouraged to wear their own pajamas on this day as a fun way to bring this great cause to an end!
Parent Conference Night - Thursday, December 10th.
Parent Conference Day - Friday, December 11th - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!
December 15th - Half Day for students.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Room 47 Sweetpea Animal Shelter Fundraiser

As many of you many have seen on the news, social media, etc., Sweetpea Animal Shelter in Paxton suffered a devasting fire last night in which an estimated 20 dogs and 30 cats did not survive.  The shelter also lost one of its two buildings (the one that houses the majority of their animals). 
Link to Sweetpea's website:
Link to the article in the T & G:
Our class is in the rough stages of creating a fundraiser/donation project to help this great cause! Today we discussed some ideas for donations and started brainstorming a list.  Once we get this ball rolling, any parent volunteer help would be greatly appreciated!  Please let us know if you are interesting in helping us out to brighten up the holidays even just a little bit for this shelter and all of the current and incoming animals in need there! 
Image result for puppy clipart

Social Studies - Northeast Test on Thursday, December 3rd

We will be having our second SS test on Thursday, December 3rd.
Study Guides were handed out and explained today...
Students must know the following information:
     State Capitals
     State Abbreviations
     State Locations on a Map
Practice Sheets and Flashcards to help with this are included in the study guide.
A reading packet (three pages front and back) is also part of the study guide - it is highly recommended that a "read through" of the packet is done once or twice a night to prepare for the multiple choice and true/false sections of the test.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Upcoming Science Test...

Mrs. Michalowski handed study guides out for the first Science test of fourth grade today...
The test on rocks and minerals will be on
Thursday, November 19th - students should spend time studying the material a little each night in order to ensure success on the test!
Please feel free to email her with any questions at:

Monday, November 9, 2015

Spelling Homework

Due Thursday, November 12th

Use ten (or more) of this week's spelling words in a good, detailed fourth grade story.  The story can be fiction or non fiction.  Words should be underlined and spelled correctly. You MUST also include at least 5- 7 adjectives, one simile, and one sound effect!!!  Just like we have been doing in class! 
This story should be typed and shared with me on the drive at  

The students know their login information, but in case they forget it’s:

Please make sure the story includes a TITLE and “By Your Name” at the top.  Clip art or pictures may be added. Thank you!  Feel free to contact me with questions.

Friday, November 6, 2015

A message from Anthony - our Student Council Representative....

Image result for kids pajamas clipart
MSES is having our pajama program again this year. This year we will not be collecting books. We will only be collecting pajamas. The pajamas must be new ones.  It will be starting from now until December 10th. It is pajama day on December 10th here at school, so make sure you wear your pajamas that day. Please donate new comfy pajamas to the kids in need. Thank you!
Below is the link to information about this awesome program to help families in need this holiday season!  Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Yankee Candle Fundraiser:
Orders are in!  Pick up is in the MSES Art room on Thursday, November 5th between 3:00 and 6:00 PM.
Thanksgiving Break:
There will be no school Wednesday 11/25, Thursday 11/26, and Friday 11/27

Monday, October 19, 2015

Homework for tonight - Monday, Oct. 19th

Your assignment: 

Choose a "Boring" Paragraph from the sheet that was handed out in class today. 

Rewrite it on the sheet making it more exciting just like we have been doing in class - be sure to use a fun beginning, lots of adjectives, descriptive verbs and adjectives, similes, sound effects.

Example "Boring" Paragraph:
We got a puppy.  She is cute.  We named her Riley.  She is white and black.  She likes to play.  She sleeps on my bed.  We take her for walks.  I love my dog, Riley.

Example "Better" Paragraph (this was done as a whole class in school today):
Whoo hoo!  I'm so excited that I am hopping around my room like a Mexican jumping bean!  This is the day I have been waiting for my whole life!  We got an adorable, fluffy, little puppy. We thought all day about what to name her... finally I yelled out, "Riley!!!"  "Woof Woof," Riley called out when she heard it.  What a perfect name!  She is white like a cotton ball and has lots of black spots, and big floppy black ears.  So adorable!  She plays by bouncing all over the house and tripping clumsily over her ginormous paws.  During the day, we take her for long walks around our awesome neighborhood so she can get her exercise and at night, she and I curl up together on my comfy bed and fall fast asleep.  I never thought I would be able to get a dog and I love her so much sometimes I feel like my heart might burst!  What an awesome feeling!

Click on comments
Type your final draft of your new paragraph in the box
Sign your name in the box underneath the paragraph
Click that you're not a robot
Hit publish your comment

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Our first Social Studies test will be one week from today on Thursday, October 15th.  Study guides were handed out today and I went over all of the information that the students need to know for the test.  Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Some important dates for the month of October...

Yankee Candle Fundraiser due on October 8th

Octoberfest at SGES is on October 17th from 10AM - 3PM

Picture Orders due on October 20th

Picture Retakes are on October 21st

Half Day for Students on October 30th

We will be in touch soon regarding Halloween festivities for our classroom!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Classroom Rep Results...

Congratulations to our classroom representative and alternate!!
Anthony - class rep
Swathi - alternate

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Back to School Night is tomorrow!  Mrs. Stocklin will begin in the cafeteria at 6:15 PM.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser information went home today...

Harvest Fair and Apple Pie Social is this Saturday from 12 to 4.

Student Council note also went home today - we will be holding our election for classroom representative on Monday - students who wish to run should have a speech prepared to share with classmates on this day.  We will have one rep and one alternate.  The rep may run for school secretary in the school wide election

Tonight's Homework:

Writing Workshop Homework
Due Thursday, September 24th

This story should be typed and either sent to me or printed and brought in by Thursday.  

I recommend using the student’s Google Drive accounts to type and share the story with me (  The students know their login information, but in case they forget it’s:

Please make sure the story includes a TITLE and “By Your Name” at the top.  Clip art or pictures may be added.  Please try to keep the story to one page.  Thank you!  Feel free to contact me with questions.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Today the entire fourth grade was introduced to the variety of instruments that will be offered to them this year for lessons with Mrs. Crockwell.  A packet is coming home containing all important lesson and band information...
Please be aware (I told the class this today, too!) that lessons will take place DURING class time...  therefore, any work that is missed will need to be completed on their own time. 
Important Dates:
Instrument Rental Night will be here at our school on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST AT 7:00 pm.
Please email Mrs. Crockwell with any questions -

Grade 4 Back to School Night - DATE CHANGE!!!

Due to Yom Kippur, Grade 4 Open House Night has changed! 
 It will now be the following evening, Thursday, September, 24th.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Dates/Events:

MSES Annual Back to School Picnic - THIS Friday, September 4th from 6:00 PM until dusk (no food will be provided - families will need to bring their own!) 
No School Monday, September 7th - Labor Day!
September 9th at 9:30 - Instrument Demonstration - the rental company will be presenting each instrument that will be available for fourth grade lessons this year!
Fourth Grade Chorus - begins Monday, September 14th at 8:25.
School Pictures will be on Tuesday, September 22nd.

Grade 4 Open House Night - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH!! - time is TBA...

Monday, August 31, 2015

Welcome to Room 47!!

It sure was a hot one!  I told the class today that if they want to bring in water bottles to put on their desks to help keep cool, they are more than welcome! 
We spent our day getting to know each other and learning some of our rules, procedures, and routines!  For example, homework folders and agenda books - these were handed out today and we talked about how BOTH of them go home each afternoon and come back to school each morning!
There is a spot for Parent Initials - please sign here each night...that way expectations for homework assignments are clear and consistent!  Thank you! 

I am looking forward to a great year with your children!!  Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time with questions or concerns!
Jen Laverty

Friday, August 21, 2015

2015 - 2016 Summer Reading Information:

2015 -2016 Grade 4 Supply List

Dear Parents/Guardians of Students entering fourth Grade,

Welcome to fourth grade!  
Parents/guardians often ask us “What should my child bring to school on the first day?”  We hope you will find this information useful.

District/School Provided Supplies

The District/School provides the following supplies to support classroom instruction as needed:
Construction Paper
Agenda books

What Students can bring on the first day?

Our teachers recommend the following if possible.  If this is a hardship in any way please contact the building principal.
  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks (2-3 every trimester)
  •  Pens (black or blue)
  • Highlighters
  • 2 One subject spiral notebooks
  • 5 Folders with two pockets (Different colors, if possible: red, yellow, blue, purple, green)
  • Personal markers, crayons or colored pencils

Additional Options:
1 Pencil box (small to fit in desk)
Hand-held pencil sharpener
Mini stapler with extra staples

What supplies can be donated to the classroom?
Families often ask what additional supplies a classroom might need.   In the spirit of Responsive Classroom, we ask that any of the following supplies be donated to the classroom community for use by all students.  Students do not keep supplies, other than their own pencil box, in their desks. We ask that you not add student names to these classroom supplies.

Washable markers-thin or thick 
Sticky Notes
Zipper bags (snack/quart/gallon)
Dry-ease marker                        
Hand sanitizer/ Hand soap
Baby wipes/Wet-Ones  
Colored pencils

Thank you!  We appreciate all you do to support our classroom communities!

Fourth Grade Teachers