Monday, November 23, 2015

Room 47 Sweetpea Animal Shelter Fundraiser

As many of you many have seen on the news, social media, etc., Sweetpea Animal Shelter in Paxton suffered a devasting fire last night in which an estimated 20 dogs and 30 cats did not survive.  The shelter also lost one of its two buildings (the one that houses the majority of their animals). 
Link to Sweetpea's website:
Link to the article in the T & G:
Our class is in the rough stages of creating a fundraiser/donation project to help this great cause! Today we discussed some ideas for donations and started brainstorming a list.  Once we get this ball rolling, any parent volunteer help would be greatly appreciated!  Please let us know if you are interesting in helping us out to brighten up the holidays even just a little bit for this shelter and all of the current and incoming animals in need there! 
Image result for puppy clipart

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